Oct. 28, 2021 / Press Release
My first job was washing dishes in a diner, and I still remember how proud I was to receive my first paycheck. Though it has been a couple decades since I joined the workforce, I still carry with me the valuable lessons I learned as a teenager at that job.
Knowing teenagers learn the importance of hard work and responsibility through their early work experience, I introduced House Bill 1829, which was approved by the House with strong bipartisan support, to make it easier for them to join the workforce.
For a teen to receive a work permit, he or she must sign a work permit in front of the issuing officer, who must then examine it. This signature regulation was waived by the Wolf administration during the pandemic. I want to permanently remove the requirement and my bill does just that.
At a time when there are numerous job openings that pay well and businesses struggle to fill positions, removing this barrier to enter the workforce will help drive our economy all while helping teens gain work experience.
House Bill 1829 now goes to the Senate for consideration.
Representative Torren Ecker
193rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Greg Gross
RepEcker.com /