Ecker Wishes Daughter a Happy Birthday
May. 15, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Torren Ecker wishes his daughter a happy 8th birthday.
Passing Legislation to Get PA Safely Back to Work
May. 14, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Torren Ecker explains recent legislation to help Pennsylvanians to get safely back to work.
Rep. Ecker Podium Remarks - Open PA: Shep's Barber Shop
May. 14, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Torren Ecker speaks in front of Shep's Barber Shop in East Pennsboro at an Open PA press rally which supports the idea that Pennsylvania can reopen safely in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ecker Comments During State Gov't Committee
May. 13, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Torren Ecker comments about a particular bill during the May 13, 2020 State Government Committee meeting.
Rep. Ecker Podium Remarks - Make York/Adams Yellow P.C.
May. 12, 2020 / Embed
Representative Torren Ecker comments during a press conference in support of efforts to turn York and Adams counties into Yellow zones.
Make York and Adams Counties Yellow!
May. 12, 2020 / Embed
Officials from York and Adams Counties hold a press conference in support of efforts to make the two counties yellow in Gov. Wolf's COVID recovery plan.
Rep. Ecker comments on SB 275 from Judiciary Committee
May. 04, 2020 / Embed
Representative Ecker urges support for SB 275 during the May 4, 2020 Judiciary meeting.
Ecker Talks Unemployment Claims
May. 04, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Torren Ecker comments about the problems people across Pennsylvania are having in their attempts to file for unemployment compensation.
Ecker Gives Comment On Garden Centers
Apr. 29, 2020 / Embed
Torren Ecker comments on a bill that will allow garden centers to reopen across Pennsylvania.
Ecker Comments on HB 2392
Apr. 28, 2020 / Embed
Rep. Torren Ecker comments on legislation that will require the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) to identify and assess critical risk factors as part of their annual Economic and Budget Outlook.