Rep. Ecker interview on Taxpayer Protection Act

Jan. 22, 2020 / Embed

State Rep. Torren Ecker expresses a few ideas on protecting tax payers during the coming budget negotiations.

Rep. Ecker interview on human trafficking

Jan. 15, 2020 / Embed

State Rep. Torren Ecker comments on a package of bills designed to combat human trafficking throughout the Commonwealth.

Rep. Ecker At 2020 PA Farm Show Draft Horse Scurry Event

Jan. 09, 2020 / Embed

Pennsylvania's 104th Farm Show features a draft horse competition among House Representatives. State Rep. Torren Ecker tells of his experience in the charity raising event aimed at increasing student scholarships throughout the state.

Speaking with Agriculture Secretary Russ Redding

Jan. 07, 2020 / Embed

At Pennsylvania's 104th Farm Show, State Rep. Torren Ecker interviews Ag Secretary Russell Redding who describes this year's new events and recent legislation that will help improve the lives and production of farmers throughout the state.

Rep. Ecker and Morgan Bear Interview At 2020 Farm Show

Jan. 07, 2020 / Embed

State Rep. Torren Ecker interviews Morgan Bear of Penn State University who just won a scholarship at Pennsylvania's 104th Farm Show.

Rep. Ecker House Floor Remarks on House Resolution 544

Nov. 21, 2019 / Embed

State Rep. Torren Ecker rises to ask support for House Resolution 544, designating Saturday, November 30, 2019 as Small Business Saturday in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Ecker Transportation Task Force Podium Remarks

Nov. 20, 2019 / Embed

State Rep. Torren Ecker speaks of his bill 2069 which will streamline projects to help repairs Pennsylvania roads much faster.

Transportation Task Force Press Conference

Nov. 20, 2019 / Embed

During a November 20, 2019 press conference, House members comment on a report issued by a House task force that investigated how to better fund transportation infrastructure in Pennsylvania.

Rep. Ecker Helpers & Heroes Accomplishments

Nov. 01, 2019 / Embed

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives recently passed several bills aimed at addressing the crisis facing police, EMS, and other first responders. Rep. Torren Ecker comments on why taking action for our helpers and heroes is so important for our communities.

Dealing with the Crisis Facing PA’s First Responders

Oct. 29, 2019 / Embed

Rep. Torren Ecker details important steps that the PA House of Representatives is taking to help recruit, retain, and respect our Helpers and Heroes the first responders who serve Pennsylvania’s communities.